When the top federal prosecutor in New Jersey needed to find an outside lawyer to monitor a large corporation willing to settle criminal charges out of court last fall, he turned to former Attorney General John Ashcroft, his onetime boss. With no public notice and no bidding, the company awarded Mr. Ashcroft an 18-month contract worth $28 million to $52 million.Oh boy, another "inquiry" -- just what we need. I'm sure they'll get to the bottom of this oh-so-coincidental appointment. I'm sure it's not at all a conflict of interest, a prime example of BushCo cronyism, or unethical! Phew, glad we got that settled.
That contract, which Justice Department officials in Washington learned about only several weeks ago, has prompted an internal inquiry into the department's procedures for selecting outside monitors to police settlements with large companies.
Oh, and I included the cover of "Let the Eagle Soar"'s great book, subtitled "Securing America and Restoring Justice." How's that for irony?
What?!?? That is so wrong. And so not surprising.
Although in the light of Gonzalez, Ashcroft looked good. Sort of. No not really.
Yup...another inquiry that will go nowhere. I wonder if we'll ever have a justice system we can trust? I have the feeling that once it's broken, it can't be put back together again, the Humpty Dumpty theory.
For the last time, it's not corruption or cronyism when they do it.
Well, Fran, I mean--he at least looked semi-competent compared to Gonzo. Crazy, but semi-competent.
ME--I know. And Chimpy has still another year to put more crony judges into position.
Monkey--oh THAT'S right. I forgot! oopsie.
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