Somehow I made it all the way through the Biden/Palin debate, despite my absolute disgust at Moose Alaska's Folksy-Fest 2008.
This time around, I present the debate done, as they say, "by the numbers!"
Palin's little ditties:
-gigantic Avon flag pin: 1 (no idea what that little bar above it was--anyone?)
-"darn right!": 2
-"kind-of": 3
-"heckuva": 3
-"hungry markets": 2
-"nukular": lost count after eleventy-gajillion
-"you guys": 3
-"maverick": got hysterical deafness somewhere around 15 million
-"doggone it": 1 (good lord)
-"And God bless her, her reward is in heaven!": are you fucking kidding me?
-times Palin answered the questions Ifill asked her instead of reciting her canned answers: 1 (NO GAY MARRIAGE!)
-times Palin counted herself and her stupid "diverse" family of hicks among the "middle class": lost count after 2,309
-"-g" endings of words actually enunciated: 2
-eye winks, for pete's sake!: THREE! (thank you,
Sorghum Crow) Does she have a tic or something?
-Reagan quotes/references: 2 (*puke*)
-"shout out"s: 1 -- our national IQ just went down 20 points
-Freudian slips: ONE SWEET ONE! McCain's "the man that we need to leave... LEAD America!"
Now Biden had his countables too:
-"fundamental"/"fundamentally": 40 kabillion (h/t to my gal Niki for picking up that one)
-"same sex marriage": 1!!!! but it was obviously a slip-up, because then he said he didn't agree with it. Asshole.
-gaffes/rambling: ZERO! He was crisp and concise, making clear points and answering all questions! He rocked! I thought he came across as much warmer and more engaging than Obama did in his debate. Nice work!
Is there something in your eye, Freakshow?and now, DID YOU KNOW?
...that we have "Maliki and Talibani working with us" in the wars? (Palin)
...that drilling for oil can be "safe" and only leaves "tiny footprints"? (who else?)
...that Condi Rice went to Israel and "met with one side or the other" (guess it doesn't matter which) to successfully "forge the peace"?
...that "John McCain knows how to win a war" and "He'll know how to win a war"? um, what war has he ever won?
...that Palin is "thankful that the Constitution gives more power to a vice president"--WTF!? Biden kicked ass on this one, calling Cheney "the most dangerous vice president in history" and calling Cheney's assertion that the VP is also in the legislative branch "a bizarre notion." Right on!
Overall, Palin performed as I figured she would, using canned crap to fill airtime and never really answering any questions. Her appeals to "Joe Sixpack" made me want to throw up only five minutes into the event, but I recovered once Biden began his commanding performance. When he got choked up talking about his son's death--wow. I didn't expect that. Very humanizing. Biden kicked ass, and Palin didn't embarrass herself. I'm sure their side is calling it a win for her. Idiots.