Monday, September 29, 2008

An "orgy of" impressions about the debate

"I must break you." "Go for it."

My notes from Friday's Obamassacre of McDramaQueen, which the press is saying Obama won:
Obama looks so tall and strong! McOld's like a hunchback. Why is he wearing a peppermint stick for a tie?

"an energy bill, festooned with Christmas ornaments"???? Who in the last fifty years has used the word "festooned"???? What a Mcmaroon.

OBAMA: 10 years to MidEast oil independence, health care reform, invest in math/science/education, make college affordable, invest in infrastructure/upgrade electric grid for alternative energies, expand broadband lines to rural areas. Nice work!
McOLD: cut spending, eliminate ethanol subsidies, no more cost-plus contracts, examine every agency. Uh--boy, that's sweeping reform.


Mc: "A healthy economy and no raised taxes is probably the best recipe for economic recovery." WTF?

Obama: "orgy of spending" !! Woo hoo!

that's the second time McFuckup's talked about how he wasn't "voted Miss Congeniality" -- that's because you're a prick, John. "And that is idependent and a maverick of the Senate." WHAT? And only one use of "my friends"!?

Lessons of Iraq:
McFU: "cannot have a failed strategy that will cause you to almost lose a conflict."
Is there someplace in America right now where a group of McIdiots are saying, "DAMN RIGHT, JOHN! I don't understand what the fuck you're saying, but you're DAMN RIGHT!"

Obama: 16-month phaseout, focus on Afghanistan, capture and kill Osama Bin Laden.

McFU: OMG is he really going to go Charlie Wilson's War on us and talk about how we didn't keep up the work in Afghanistan in the 80s???? Holy shit. "they've intermarried with Al Qaeda and the Taliban!" WTF!? "I know how to work with them" he keeps saying he knows how to work with people. Like "FUCK YOU! I KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS THAN ANYONE IN THE ROOM!"-work with them? Like that?

BOOM! Obama talked about someone who's "sung songs about bombing Iran" -- ZING!

McFU: What's with the hunchback whispery-panic-drama voice?

Obama--calm, cool. Needs to speak up louder when McF lies. "That's not true." He spent the whole time correcting and clarifying McEffYou's lies.

Can't wait for Biden-Painful debate!


Fran said...

I love your analysis. I think Rachel Maddow should hire you as a commentator.

As to "festooned" I actually used to have a gay male friend who loved to use that word in a sentence, so it made me think of him.

Claire said...

I like that word, too!
Yes, I liked "a healthy economy is the way to recovery". Astute observation, much the same as "continuing to live is the way to avoid death". I will say that I agree that Obama needs to be more forceful when pointing out McCain's "misstatements" (lies) and he needs to STOP SAYING "Senator McCain is right, but...". No, he isn't right.

Sorghum Crow said...

No more festooning for me.

Where was McCain's flag pin?

What's up with not being able to look your opponent in the eye? Made McCain look like a scared puppy.

And his rictus smirk/grin, I could have puked.

Elizabeth said...

Darn it, I love the word "festooned." That's one of my favorite words, and now it's ruined.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to work the word "festoon" into every conversation I have with Republicans. They're gonna love me!

dguzman said...

Fran--wow, so McCain's a hairdresser!

CDP--you're so right. Obama was too polite.

SorgCrow--And poor Jim Lehrer kept trying to get McOld to address Obama directly--I thought he was going to scream at one point. I hate that grin too--like "gotcha" only in his case it's more like "I'm smiling so I don't kill him."


DCup--hee hee hee!

GETkristiLOVE said...

I'm here for the orgy... is it upstairs?

Randal Graves said...

Figured that the Dem used the word 'orgy' during a solemn occasion such as a debate. Bunch of godless hedonistic heathens. Go festoon yourselves.

Anonymous said...

festooned....hmmmm...sounds victorian English to me..pantaloons, balloons, moons, maroons, macaroons, oh, it was such a contrast in appearance, the presidential Obama and the crotchety old geezer who blinked a lot.

dguzman said...

GKL: up the stairs, hang a hard left. Meet you there!

Randal--get festooned!

Feather--no kidding about the blinking! Like a drunk trying to figure out if he was seeing double or triple.

Dad E--no! Is that on your blog? I'll check.