and some really creepy ones:

But mostly, I get stuff like this:

Do men REALLY think about their dick size this much?
I really want to know! Because I'll get ten or twenty blocked emails in a row about "sizing up" and "giving it to her deep" and "amazing your girlfriends with your huge package." Obviously, someone thinks men are completely obsessed with their penis size, but is it really true?
Not true in general. Of course I'm secure enough in my masculinity that I drive a VW Passat (station wagon, no less). I don't need a Pontiac G6 (wink, wink) to validate myself. Which car should we take to Canada?
My wife already knows what size it it. Wait, that would explain everything.
I've been getting a lot of Euro lottery winner! spam. Guess it's the new Nigerian next-of-kin millionaire bank account crap.
I got an email the other day that began with "do not anger me" and it was all about Islam. Imminently difficult to read and a little weird.
I like the ones that tell me that my girlfriend will scream with delight after using their product.
My opinion: Insecure men are worried about the size of the snake. Secure men don't.
One would hope NOT.
Wait... You mean Madame Marguerite Danamous of the Ivory Coast is NOT going to send me money???
Crow--(ouch! but as I'm a female, what does the G6 say about me? Wait. Don't answer that!) Let's take yours--the gas mileage is probably better!
Randal--hee hee
Susan--That is scary. I'll bet Geoff isn't worried!
Enc--no kidding. They'd never get anything else done! Oh wait...
Fran--well... you could always wait for that check...
Some spam is caused by web sites you visit. Trust me on this- NEVER go to sites called, "chicks with dicks."
Even if you're curious even one time.
What amazes me is just how worried the spammers are about my manhood. Could have something to do with those chicks with dicks sites I haunt regularly......
Karen--damn, I knew I shouldn't have gone there! But you know, in case anyone's wondering, mine is fucking HUGE.
DCup--*blush* BTW, your description of Olbermann/Maddow as a bisexual dream team is genius!
I say nothing.
"Ten" grain
Now if there were spam in my inbox on how to train your honey to breathe with their ears... THAT one, I'd open.
and i only get real estate deals spam
Damn ya'll. Chicks with Dicks? Even I did not know of this. (I do, however, hope there is no relation to the Dr. Seuss book "Fox in Sox" which features "Chicks with bricks.")
My non-pseudo name is spelled like a guy's,so I am always being targeted for hook-ups with teh single ladiez in my areas. Who are these ladiez? I'm skeptical of these emails, ya'll. Maybe they're scams....
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