There are less sophistocated forms too, like printing a photo that depicts, for instance, a politician in a less-than-appropriate-looking snapshot. We're all familiar with this one, for instance:
But when you can put the great headline with the great (aka funny) photo, you can make photo-bias magic. Talking Points Memo's people effing HAVE THIS SHIT DOWN:

"zzzzzz... Oh, yeah--it's grave. It's a grave threat. Yeah, be afraid. Give us money. I'm seriouszzzzzzzz...."
UPDATE! And as if to give us a curtain call, TPM hits another one out of the park by posting this one only seconds later:

HA! Man, does she look pissed or what! Contest in the comments for funniest quote line under this one! My attempt: "Didn't I tell you that if you kept whining, I was gonna make you go sit in the car? What did I tell you? WHAT DID I TELL YOU?"
Typical lefty internets rags, using one of the few things the rubes understand, purty pictures, to undermine Murkan society by avoiding speaking about the Grave Threats® of the day.
Condescending elitists.
Hahahahahaha- that is so great.
Randal--good one. But I don't know that she knows that many big words.
Fran--hee hee hee
That's the actual photo of Palin "telling the Congress 'thanks, but no thanks' on that Bridge to Nowhere". See, she did it with kind of a Rebel without a Cause sneer, all maverick-y and whatnot. (God, I CRACK MYSELF UP).
I posted that one twice for some reason. I hate when I do that.
There's nothing like a good picture to illustrate the heart of the subject.
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