This undated photo released by Duke Wheeler shows a corn maze rendering of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin at Wheeler Farms in Whitehouse near Toledo, Ohio. The 16-acre cornfield has been carved up in the likeness of the candidate. (AP Photo/Duke Wheeler, HO)The worst part? That the AP attempted a corn/maize pun but then didn't have the guts to go through with it:

Dammit, I'm sick of the jokers in my state doing stupid things! They'll do one more stupid thing on November 4.
You're right, they should've gone for the pun.
Randal--sorry, dude.
Vik--I'm sayin'. If you're gonna go there, just. effing. go. there.
Great! What will our Galactic Overlords think when they see this through their telescopes?
Isn't this actually proof that she is in fact an alien?
I was going to make the alien joke, but BB beat me to it.^^
If this corn farmer has time to fuck around destroying valuable crops, then he clearly needs no subsidies or government assistance of any kind.
SorgCrow--they'll know there's no intelligent life here.
Barbara--that's it!
Enc--she's a quick one.
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