Commenter of the week? And for what, you ask?
(Hey--when did Matty Boy's hypothetical question asker hijack my blog?)
So now I've got to come up with some t-shirts for us. Let's see...
Idea 1:
Front of shirt: FUCK YOU!
Back of shirt: Oops, sorry! Forgot to take my meds!
Idea 2:
Front of shirt: Why didn't I just stay home today, curled up in a ball?
Back of shirt: Oh yeah. Thanks, meds!
Feel free to suggest your own designs, kittens!
Awesome! I think I like the pictured one best! Another blogger I read has a tag that would be a great t-shirt: "There but for the grace of Pfizer (or substitute pharma company of your choice!)
You've always been a weiner in my book.
Oops. I meant WINNER. :)
Great T-shirts!
How about
"I told my doctor I was voting for McCain." on the front.
On the back "He told me he had some pills for that kind of crazy."
Randal--good one!
CDP--glad you liked that one. That is a great tag too. I still haven't gotten into the tags myself. I feel so 5 minutes ago.
Dr Monkey--I love you!
Maui--glad you like! Perhaps I'll get 'em going on CafePress?
Front- Palin requires me to--
Back - Take Drugs
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