Generic Present Guy
Boy, I'm sure glad they got this important issue decided once and for all! I know Generic Present Guy was worried! I wonder when they're going to enact similar legislation for Hannukah and Kwaanza? I'm sure that's probably in committee right now, and they're ironing out the details. Because that's what they do in D.C., tackle the BIG issues! It's not all just photo-ops and bullshit!
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Okay, my snarkopressure just shot through the roof, so I had to stop. Sometimes I get so freakin' mad I could just explode. I'm sure we've all felt it; we're probably feeling it right now. My face gets all hot, my blood pressure goes way up, and the blood pounds in my ears. It happens when I glance over at Fox "News" and read their ridiculous little blurbs at the bottom of the screen, like the ones yesterday during their broadcasts about the church shootings in Colorado--their blurb? Something about "attacks on Christians." Seriously. It happens when I hear W's voice. It happens when I think about politics in general.
Sometimes I just gotta take a break. In the interests of that, I want to post these photos I took at a bookstore a while back--each one has special meaning for its connection to someone I've met through this and my other (birdy) blog.
First, this one's for MattyBoy and Dr. Monkey von Monkerstein, whose unabashed appreciation of women just makes me love 'em more every day:

Second, for all you man-lovin' female readers--Fran, PoP, Jess, WhiskeyMarie, Vikki--this one's for you:
Simpler times, simpler times.... I feel better now.
Steve is the king of something, alright. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom and shake hands with the good representative.
And hey, it was the 80s! There wasn't any sense to anything, no rhyme nor reason. Except for Elle, lovely Elle Macpherson. Hmm, there's an idea for a post.
BTW, my mother-in-law would thank you for the gratuitous fuzzy cheesecake shot of Magnum. I don't. ;-)
Well, Randal, I'm with ya on not appreciating the (ahem) manly chest of Magnum...
How can I thank you enough? That photo of Tom Selleck brought me back to happier and younger days, when my taste in men was not as... um, let's say refined.
You are too funny. This is a brilliant post and that I get to receive a real gift (I will be getting that- right?) from it is outstanding.
Thanks for the girlie mag cover, dg. I'm sure that's why my word verification is nkfupn.
Not really dirty unless you have a dirty mind.
Which I do!
Thanks for the gift! I love you right back girl.
I guess my tastes are weird. I'd take Keanu Reeves over Tom Selleck and i'd take Judy Garland over Betty Grable (thought Betty Page would give Judy a run for her money!).
Fran, of course! I'm sending Tom right to your door. He'll be there any minute now...
Fillip--I wouldn't take Reeves OR Magnum PI, but I do like Harrison Ford. And Garland over Grable? That's a toughie. Probably I'd take Garland so she could sing "The Man That Got Away" over and over. GOD I love that song.
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