This is rich:
“I must say, I’m a little envious,” Bush said. “If I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed.”
“It must be exciting for you … in some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger. You’re really making history, and thanks,” Bush said.
Apparently, lacking any real war experience despite his claim to be a "war president" and his oh-so-dangerous Vietnam deployment to Alabama, Chimpy thinks war looks more like this:

than this:

(AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)
Real fucking romantic. If only he WERE "not employed here," none of this shit would be happening.
I guess this isn't the latest stupid statement, as he's making a statement on our BOOMING economy this afternoon...
Hey dguzman, if you want to cross-post at WWL, send me an email at
I added this site to my blogroll!!
Thanks, Diane
THe only thing wrong with that picture is that Bush is punching his fascist friend Hitler. Bush dressed as Captain America is an insult to America! BUt you are probably right, he sees himself as some kind of twisted hero.
"It's not just a job, I know, 'cause jobs are leavin', heh heh, it's an adventure. Now where's the chick who'll swoon in ma arms after I defeet the turrists."
Why can't the cosmos drop a series of meteorites on all these fuckers.
Abraham Lincoln had no military experience. But he took the US into the Civil War which claimed more American lives -- North and South -- than any other conflict, ever.
Lincoln said we must preserve the Union, even if it meant massive destruction of some parts. I don't think anyone has reconsidered his actions to the point of claiming the Civil War could have avoided while keeping the Union intact.
There are surely those who believe the US should have separated into two countries while allowing slavery to exist in one of them.
It wouldn't surprise me to learn that similar words about budding democracies were spoken in 1952 when Germany and Japan were finally in shape to go forward without US management.
Don't forget that even though the shooting in WWII stopped in 1945, the restructuring of Germany and Japan took seven more years of US involvement. Is anyone squawking about the Halliburtons and KBRs of the post-WWII era? No.
no slappz, your writing style makes it a little hard to decipher what your point was, but if you were in any way impying that that the aggregious, sociopathic blunders Bush has made over the last eight years will one day be vindicated by historians, might I suggest you are delusional as hell?
History may compare Bush to other world leaders, but they'll more likely compare Bush to Idi Amin and Adolph Hitler than to Lincoln.
No Slappz is getting to be like HPV.
Everyone has it.
This guy is so out of touch with reality it's really scary.
Oh, I do agree.
Reviling Bush has become such a consuming pastime that I wonder how much thought has been given to the alternative.
What would the US have done after 9/11 if Al Gore were president?
Anyone care to speculate on that?
Would Al have been elected to a second term? What steps would he have taken in the middle east? What domestic policies would he have pushed?
Maybe he can get Jenna or Babs, whichever one isn't getting married, to go do this romantic job in his place. Or one of his many nieces or nephews, proud patriots all!
karen zipdrive, I asked you for your ideas of what Al Gore would have done as president.
But, like the garden variety yakker you seem to be, you offered nothing. Just the empty claim that he would have doen something different. And then you returned to harping about Bush.
In other words, you have no thoughts on how the world might have spun under a different administration.
There is no doubt 9/11 would have occurred.
Try again. What would Al have done?
Hey, dguzman, I just added an update of an Irish saying for Bush on the bottom of my post today. I think you might enjoy it.
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