Photo courtesy of Laura H Somewhere in NJ -- yes, Kat is really tall. And really hot!
The commitment ceremony was incredible; thank you so much for your good wishes! There must've been at least 500 people there, cheering us on, which was really insane. I've never shaken so many hands and hugged so many people in all my life, many of whom I didn't even know but they were there to support all the couples. State College is just such a nice bastion of liberals in the sea of red we call Pennsylvania.
Here's a list of links you can follow to read the local (and not-so-local) coverage of the event:
PSU's paper's coverage
Centre Daily Times coverage (State College's newspaper)
YouTube - Pride Commitment Ceremony at Penn State University -- these kids and their internets
The official site for the event -- contains stories about a lot of the pre-event publicity, both positive and not-so-positive
I'm supposed to get a bunch of photos from the million different photographers who were covering the event, so I'll post more photos when I get them!
To politics...
Obama was here on Sunday, but after the madhouse of downtown on Saturday, we just didn't have the energy to go and see him. I read this morning that he drew about 22,000 people! Bill Clinton was here on Thursday night, but I had to go to (of all things) calculus class! Dangit!
What a weekend. As fun as it was, we're all kinda glad it's over. I haven't had much sleep since last week!
I get to be first!
You know how I feel about gigantic child brides, so it's redundant many times over to congratulate you, but congratulations to both of you one more time.
Thanks for the pics. Take you out of your Cowboys cap and you clean up real purdy.
I'm with Matty, you look adorable when you get all dressed up. You and Kat both looked beautiful; congratulations and best wishes to both of you!
I am so proud of you and Kat! You two make such a lovely couple. I'm glad to be your blog friend and when we meet one of these days I'm going to give you both such a huge hug. (And may I say you snagged yourself a beautiful gigantic child bride, no wonder you have such an affinity with Matty boy!)
I wish you both much love and happiness. And again, congrats my friend.
Wowwa- she is one good lookin' woman and a giantess to boot. Holy moly.
But you know you are my number one girl D.
And I had to write about this too.
Sending so much love!!!!!!!
congratulations from one more of Fran's friends.
Congrats (another Fran Follower)
May you grow old together and enjoy the mutual pleasure of chasing whipersnappers off your lawn.
(Also pointed this way via Fran.)
What a wonderful and brave thing to do. I noticed your names were in all the coverage. It shows real commitment to your beliefs to do that. Congratulations and thanks from all of us for being willing to do it.
Friend of Fran's here: congrats. Best wishes for a happy and healthy forever together.
Mazl Tov form me... another FOF (Friend of Fran)
Delia- My warmest well wishings for you and your wife. You are now officially far more formally married than I ever got to the fella I have called my husband for around 10 years. (The legalities don't matter, the ceremony is important, and of course, you should have any and all rights anyone else has.) You guys are beautiful.
You guys are so cute together! I wish you all the best.
Congratulations! You don't me but I found my way over via Dr. Monkey and Fran.
This was one fun gay wedding! You did it up right!
May you have many years of joy!
Congrats, you wacky kids!
I'll have a second slice of cake, please!
Congratulations and I wish you both the best!
I'm also a friend of Fran's coming over to wish you much happiness and Congratulations! It's good for me to see such a celebration. My daughter and her partner plan some sort of ceremony next year in Seattle.
Congratulations to both of you, you're both beautiful!
oops! gals. figure of speech.
Congratulations and I am so happy for you both.
Just seeing those pictures would bring a smile to anyone's face. May you both be happy for the rest of your life. Love really does make the world go around most of the time.
Congratulations, Ms. Delia. Are you going to hyphenate or keep your name? For a bird girl you found yourself one cute chick. And you're one too, my dear.
All my best.
And all my jealousy that you have a mate for life who won't leave the toilet seat up.
Congratulations to you two!
And, since no one said it sooner re: your post title, "It's about time!"
- ;)
How wonderful for you both.
May you live long and prosper.
Thank you all so much, and welcome, all you FOFs!
We had a blast, though it was exhausting. My gigantic child bride (a food taller and 12 yrs younger) is a true prize, and I'm very very lucky!
Thanks again!
Woooo Goooo, DG!! Way to go!! Congrats to you both!
Darlings! What of the bachelor party? Hmmm?
Perhaps we can throw a little 'do in the rumpus room.
I am so very glad for you. And some day, perhaps the rest of us....
Best wishes, Delia and Kat! Stopped by via blogger extraordinaire Fran I Am!
Beautiful, Delia - congratulations! And Kat, you take care of this gurrrl for us, 'k?
Here in Massachusetts, my daughter may one day "tie the knot" with her sweetie. I'm looking forward to, nay, working toward the day when all people will have that same opportunity.
Congratulations:) You both look mahvelous!
Wow, Penn State has come a long way since I went there.
Congrats, and um, yeah - she's TALL, but you both are hawt!
congratulations ---- how terrific.
one day this wont be news and everyone can share in the same joy
the best to both of you
You two look fantastic!
Congrats to you and the very tall indeed Kat.
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