Before I answer, I think it's necessary to clarify: "enough" what, exactly?
First, Clinton managed to stop Obama's freight-train-like roll; I wasn't sure that was possible. Chalk one up for Hillary there.
Her "terrify people" commercial with the phone ringing at 3am--terror uses a phone?--must have had some impact on the voters in the states where Clinton won last night; further, she's got strong support among hispanics, women, the elderly, and what Carpetbagger's Report calls "whites without college educations." These groups must've come out big for Hillary.
But before we go calling her the Comeback Kid like we did her husband in 1992, we need to look at the delegates tally: 1,562-1,461. That's 101 delegates' worth of difference, despite the big wins and the potential momentum swing. The whole delegates issue is as sore a subject with me as the electoral college--both systems deny the power of the popular vote (don't they, Mr. Gore?). I don't like that at all.
So does Clinton have enough time--and enough remaining support--to catch up and knock Obama out? I am tempted to say yes, and to see this as a definite shift, a change that will give Clinton the momentum she needs to right her ship. A definite benefit for me is that she's more likely to still be on the ballot in April, when I finally get to vote.
But I'm also realistic. Obama's got a hundred more delegates that Clinton. That's not good. And she's still surrounded by idiots like Penn. Again, not good.
Still, I believe she knows how to fight; she's goal-oriented and driven.
I hope it's enough.
We shall see.
Oh dear. You know how I feel.
Whether she's the nominee or not, she won't win the presidency.
If she's nominated, the American public will return to the 1990s when the Clinton's were in the White House. By the time it's over, Hillary become so disgusted with herself she will vote for McCain.
As Obama has stressed, this election will bring change. The nation will separate itself from the Clintons and the Bushes. That's a change.
Who would have thought that Pennsylvania would have the impact that it will, coming so late in the season (and how ridiculous that April is "late").
I'm totally excited that PA might play a role in helping Hillary. So far, she's ahead in the polls here. My fingers are crossed.
As long as there are Super delegates, Hillary will pull it out.
People so soon forget how good things were economically during the Clinton era.
The GOP will tear Obama limb from limb if he's the nominee. He's too weak to withstand their no holds barred political prowess.
His claim to fame about being "above" all the dirty politics shows his utter naivety.
But if starts to get down and dirty, he will have reneged on his most engaging promise: bringing everyone together."
Hillary disarmed him with the help of SNL. The media is looking at him now sans the rose tinted glasses. It's about time.
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