Friday, August 29, 2008
Meet McFossil's running mate! UPDATED, even!

Highlights (gleaned from Wikipedia mostly)
--Finished second in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant. Damned grizzlies win it every time.
--Degree in journalism, minor in politics. Ds get degrees!
--Hubby is a "champion snowmobiler." What a stud!
--Pro-life for unborns, pro-death for adult convicts. That's consistency for you.
--Anti-gay marriage. but I have gay friends! Of course they're gonna burn in hell because of their sins but I love 'em anyway!
--"signed into law a $6.6 billion operating budget—the largest in Alaska's history." Ah, another fiscally conservative money-waster! Nice to see she's up on how repugs run things.
--has no stated positions on much of anything that matters to the future of our country. But hey! She's pro-life!
UPDATED! She's also for teaching creationism in schools. I've been whirling through the Intertubes all damned day trying to figure out what idiocy could've possessed McFossil and his trainers, but I still can't figure it out. Is he that stupid or that cynical? Judging from what I've read of her repub credentials of big oil, big bidness, and big jesus, she's apparently a fine young repuglican -- but really, is this the person ANYONE would choose to run the country when McFossil keels over after a few months in office? I hate to say "game over" and buy the first round, but sweet jaysus, are Amurkans REALLY stupid enough to vote for this guy and his little granddaughter?
A historic night
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Your thoughts on Bill and John
I also heard some of John Kerry's speech. Was anyone energized by him?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Revelatory: Away from the body politic, to the body personal

If you smile thro' your fear and sorrow,
Light up your face with gladness,
That's the time,
If you just smile...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Understatement of the century
While tooling around the interwebs in my SeriesOfTubesMobile this morning, I encountered this gem in a Wall Street Journal piece discussing what Joe Biden can bring to the White House as VP:
We've seen over the past eight years with Richard Cheney how a smart, aggressive and experienced vice president who is respected by the president can have a major impact on our lives.Let's forget the mooning dreamy-eyed description of a "smart, aggressive and experienced" Darth Cheney for a moment. Has there ever been a bigger understatement made in print? I mean, unless someone's said something like "Jesus kinda influenced history a little" or something, THIS has to be the understatement of the century. Big Dick and His Pet Chimp have altered the very fabric of this democracy for decades to come. The damage they've done to the inner workings of this government, to the reputation of this nation, to the Middle East--to name just a few of their many goat-fucks--is immeasurable. Historians will look back on this as the beginning of very dark times for the US, perhaps the beginning of the end of America as we know it.
We have indeed seen how a dark Sith lord can insert himself into a position of power and, through his own morally corrupt influence and raw lust for power and wealth, can fashion a legacy of tortured prisoners, surveilled citizens, and insurmountable debt. Yeah. We've seen it.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Bush-Quayle redux?

Are republicans really stupid enough to consider Rick "Gays=Man-on-dog sex!" Santorum as a VP candidate? Of course Rush is stupid enough--and high enough--to consider it. But real voters? Santorum couldn't even win reelection to his senate seat. There's NO WAY he's going to pull Pennsylvania into the red column; everyone with a brain in this state considers Santorum a stupid prick.
Speaking of my keystone state, what's with all the Pennsylvania VP talk? Tom Ridge? Has-been. Prick Santorum? Idiot.
Let's hope Obama picks someone like Biden who can pull some real support. He may not be squeaky clean, but the guy's got guts. I like him.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A picture says a thousand words...
A picture does indeed say a thousand words, and there's one picture that would say a thousand (or more) very UNKIND words in this bigotted country:

If you think the repugs are cranking out the "fear the black man!" at a high rate now, just imagine what would happen if this team appeared on the dem ticket.
But goddamn, don't they look great together!? I'm sad that this thought even crossed my mind, but as I was driving to work the other day, I thought about Obama and Sebellius, standing together in that co-champions/hands-in-the-air way, and it hit me--as I drove through my rural Pennsylvania valley.
What do you think will happen? Is it going to be Joe Biden? Tim Kaine (whoever he is)? Sebellius?
Because it must be repeated for effect!

Oh, those crazy Ossetians over near that other Georgia! Whoever made this sign needs to start his/her own blog to showcase those phenomenal PhotoShopping skee-ulz!
The CondiDo-into-CondiMullet is an extra-fabulous touch! It's almost realistic enough to raise the Hairdo Alert to Fiascotastic!
And to avoid the possible lawsuits and stuff, here's the original AP caption and photo credit: "Ossetian protesters demonstrate outside NATO headquarters in Brussels, Tuesday Aug. 19, 2008. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her NATO counterparts are reviewing relations with Moscow and are expected to curtail high level meetings and military cooperation with Russia if it does not abandon crucial positions across Georgia. (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)"
Oh yes, by all means, "curtail" your bigtime meetings with those nogoodniks! They'll come crawling back to us, screaming their regrets over this global "my bad!" in no time!
Now THAT'S diplomacy!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Ask your doctor about...
Friday, August 08, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008
A cereal box as food for thought
There must be a name for people who love to read so much that they even read the backs of the cereal boxes as they eat their morning bowl of Life or Cocoa Puffs or Wheaties whatever. I am one of these people, and this past weekend I found some great reading material on the back of my box of Giant® brand Corn Flakes.
The box read "Know Your Presidents" and had a bunch of trivia questions about cities named for presidents (i.e. Lincoln, NE, etc.), and a quotations section. Most of the quotations were pretty easy, well known to those who've taken even a junior high history class: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" (FDR) and "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" (JFK). One of them was familiar because so many people have been referring to it during our long national nightmare of Emperor Chimpy's imperial rule: "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President." Good one, Teddy!

One quotation in the quiz, however, was new to me:
I pray heaven to bestow the best blessings on this house and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof.John Adams said this about the White House in 1800, when he and his wife were the first First Couple to move in.

May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof.
My mind reels when I think of these simple but important standards for the people who've served as president. Honest men? Hmm... Lincoln? Eisenhower? I can't really think of anyone else I'd regard as "honest," though I'll admit I'm only thinking of the last few presidents. I admire FDR and JFK, but I believe that neither was truly an honest man; Roosevelt may have known about Pearl Harbor but allegedly chose to let it happen so he'd have a causus belli. JFK's personal life was filled with dishonesty, if tales of his womanizing are true.
I think of the presidents who've served while I've been alive: LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush. Wow. Not exactly a bunch of Honest Abes--the only one I'd call honest in that bunch is Carter. And you see what it got him.I guess honesty isn't exactly a presidential characteristic anymore, assuming it ever was.
The second standard Adams prayed for was to have a wise man. Now we're really going to have a short list! I'd call Carter wise, though I don't think he always displayed that wisdom during his term. JFK was a wise man, I think, keeping his head and pulling us back from the brink of nuclear war. He was a man of thought before action. And of course Lincoln--arguably the best president we ever had--was a wise and honest man who kept this nation whole through its greatest crisis up until that time. Could a Nixon have done that? Or even an FDR? (I'd bet on FDR before Nixon, though--who wouldn't?)
But can any of us label any of these other clowns as "wise?" All you history buffs out there--put on your history caps and tell me: have we had any "honest and wise" presidents during your lifetime?
More importantly, is there any chance of ever getting an honest and wise president in the future? Certainly, McCain is nothing close to honest or wise; his changes of position and willingness to do or say whatever it takes to get elected pretty much disqualify him from being anything other than a parasitic lifeform, barely even human.
Obama has a great intellect, and he seems fairly honest--but he's shown once that he will vote against the people and for the big corporations when the chips are down.
Will we ever get a Lincoln or an Eisenhower again? Given the idiots we've elected (or who we've let steal elections), do we even deserve one? Would we know one if we saw him or her?
Friday, August 01, 2008
Friday funny pictures

Dr. Monkey sent me this sweet little bunny drawing from one of his crazy old magazines he's always scanning:
And Niblet just reminded me to tell you that if you're trying to find the freshest monkey available, look here. Whether because of Blogger code goatfuck or some neocon-troll-nogoodnik, Monkey can't post on his regular blog.
Them's all the funny pitchers Ah got.
The latest from the McFossil camp
Now look here, my friends. I want to talk about issues, dammit! Like my issue with Obama and his uppity ways! Talking to those Krauts like he was the king of the fuckin' world! What an asshole!
I'm the one who's been all over the world! And all my time in 'Nam gave me a lot of foreign policy experience, my friends! Did I mention I am crippled because I fought those bastards the whole time? That's right, my friends--I fought them. And now I can't come my own hair (and if you tell me it's thinning on top, you stupid cunt, I'll bash you right into next week!).
Thank you, my friends!