Are republicans really stupid enough to consider Rick "Gays=Man-on-dog sex!" Santorum as a VP candidate? Of course Rush is stupid enough--and high enough--to consider it. But real voters? Santorum couldn't even win reelection to his senate seat. There's NO WAY he's going to pull Pennsylvania into the red column; everyone with a brain in this state considers Santorum a stupid prick.
Speaking of my keystone state, what's with all the Pennsylvania VP talk? Tom Ridge? Has-been. Prick Santorum? Idiot.
Let's hope Obama picks someone like Biden who can pull some real support. He may not be squeaky clean, but the guy's got guts. I like him.
Oh they are sure dumb enough to. Wouldn't it be a hoot? I hope Biden gets it. I just read that Biden's top foreign affairs aid went to of all places Hawaii on his "vacation" last week. Hmmmm. LOL. we shall see pretty soon!
Santorum? Tee Hee. That could be fun.
Hey - I've really tuned out a bit on politics. Has anyone written about how putting Biden in as VP might quell some of the angst over Hillary getting the nomination. If it's not likely he'll ever aspire to be president, that could leave the field open for Hillary in 2012.
Just a thought. Maybe a slightly tipsy thought, but a thought.
Rick Santorum? I am throwing up in my mouth a little already.
Both Presidents Bush choose a VP that would assure know one would try to assassinate them, maybe not conscientiously but then they are not prone to a lot of self examination especially when covering up their insecurities.
Santorum? I just can't believe McCann is that stupid.
I have always been a Biden man and I think a cabinet postion would suit him best.
Oh gosh I hope he picks Rick.
Rick, spell sex.
I hope that Biden and Santorum are the picks. I'll be glued to my TV for that debate.
Feather-I am getting all restless and antsy; I wish Obama would hurry up and make his announcement.
DCup--I hadn't thought about how close Biden and Hillary are--he might make that deal with her. Either way, he'd be a good VP.
Anon--are you joking?
Fran--me too! I hate that guy.
Dad E--brilliant thought. But I fear McOld doesn't need an assassin's bullet to make him kick the bucket; he just needs a little more stress and a Big Mac. It'll be interesting to see who he picks, but you're right in that he'll likely pick some super-young person. Which is just as frightening as McFossil himself.
Monkey--I kinda do, but GOD I hate him! It would be funny AND infuriating.
Randal--hee hee!
CDP--that would make for some high-larity during the debates. Maybe he'll even wear his pink tie.
D-Guz, I think I had the same anonymous asshole cluttering up my blog yesterday.
He seems to have no friends or hobbies so he likes to come to lesbian blogs and wipe his miniscule Vienna sausage all over the comments section.
I hope Biden gets it too. Good piont, DCup, about Biden not wanting to be president being helpful for Hillary running in the future. But if Obama wins, she'll have to wait until 2016, right? I hope he'd win a second term...
As for Santorum, oh I pray McCain picks him! I think that might make the right wingers happy but would totally turn off the independents he would need to win.
As much as I'd LOVE for McSame to pick Santorum(frothy mixture, ewwww), I think he'll pick magic underpants Mitt. Just seems more logical if you could ever say the Rethuglicans are logical.
They're dumb enough to do anything, at this point.
It's your blog, dg, but I agree with karenzipdrive. Mr. Anonymous (both of them) is a troll that deserves erasing.
Sorry it took me so long to get on here and sweep up the garbage, but Anon and Slappy are now in their proper dustbin.
Biden it is! I hope he pulls a lot of Hillary supporters.
I think Biden's got the right stuff.
As a passionate Hillary supporter, I'm hoping tonight she truly buries the hatchet and gets her peeps on board for Obama.
She tried, but she's played out. Time to make a gracious, graceful exit.
I think these "ardent Hillary supporters" that the media keeps going on about will fall in line. It's tough, but they will. They'll be smart enough to keep their eyes on the prize. Way too much is at stake here.
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