A picture does indeed say a thousand words, and there's one picture that would say a thousand (or more) very UNKIND words in this bigotted country:

If you think the repugs are cranking out the "fear the black man!" at a high rate now, just imagine what would happen if this team appeared on the dem ticket.
But goddamn, don't they look great together!? I'm sad that this thought even crossed my mind, but as I was driving to work the other day, I thought about Obama and Sebellius, standing together in that co-champions/hands-in-the-air way, and it hit me--as I drove through my rural Pennsylvania valley.
What do you think will happen? Is it going to be Joe Biden? Tim Kaine (whoever he is)? Sebellius?
LOL. guess who I said it would be today? I love you blog and like all Fran's friends, you too get a spot on my blogroll this upcoming update weekend. Thanks for stopping buy, and I'll be picking up your feed. Good stuff!
Imagine what the Rovian repugs will do to stir up the bigotry against the uppity black guy who presumes to take a white woman by the hand.
I just saw a Reuters story that reports a new poll showing McCain is leading Obama. While I put little stock in polls, it still scares me to think that there are enough stupid people in the world who believe this crap.
The second after he picks Sebelius, you're going to see some wingnut ad playing this clip.
I hope he picks her because I have a childlike belief in spontaneous wingnut combustion. A brother AND a chick? Together? Heads 'a poppin'!
I cannot even begin to guess who he's going to pick, but I'm certain it will be some flawed human will be picked to pieces by the right wing noise machine.
I'm all for the silver and black attack, Obama and Sebeliusin '08!
Well with Rush Limpbaugh calling for McCain to pick Santorum (oh please, oh please!!) then I would hope he picks Biden. I would love to watch Biden get all Swayze on Santorum in the debates!
Unless Obama picks Hillary, I have no interest in who he picks.
Hell, he could pick one of his daughters and I'd still vote for him.
In fact, the Democrats could put the words, "Not McCain" on the ballot and I'd vote for that.
Although I would love to see Gov. Sebelius as the running mate, I'm really rooting for Joe Biden. (and Bradda is so right, it would be awesome to watch a Biden/Santorum debate)
I think he'll go for a conservative pick, but I have a crappy track record on picking these things, so who knows.
Ah Slappy, you enjoyed a couple of days of amnesty, as I've been too busy to log in. But now--and especially after calling me a racist, which is funny seeing as how I'm hispanic--say goodbye.
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