Highlights (gleaned from Wikipedia mostly)
--Finished second in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant. Damned grizzlies win it every time.
--Degree in journalism, minor in politics. Ds get degrees!
--Hubby is a "champion snowmobiler." What a stud!
--Pro-life for unborns, pro-death for adult convicts. That's consistency for you.
--Anti-gay marriage. but I have gay friends! Of course they're gonna burn in hell because of their sins but I love 'em anyway!
--"signed into law a $6.6 billion operating budget—the largest in Alaska's history." Ah, another fiscally conservative money-waster! Nice to see she's up on how repugs run things.
--has no stated positions on much of anything that matters to the future of our country. But hey! She's pro-life!
UPDATED! She's also for teaching creationism in schools. I've been whirling through the Intertubes all damned day trying to figure out what idiocy could've possessed McFossil and his trainers, but I still can't figure it out. Is he that stupid or that cynical? Judging from what I've read of her repub credentials of big oil, big bidness, and big jesus, she's apparently a fine young repuglican -- but really, is this the person ANYONE would choose to run the country when McFossil keels over after a few months in office? I hate to say "game over" and buy the first round, but sweet jaysus, are Amurkans REALLY stupid enough to vote for this guy and his little granddaughter?
I don't even like her taste in eyeglasses.
But I'm thrilled McBush chose her so she can grab him all 3 of Alaska's coveted electoral votes.
McFlipper must think he can get women's votes by having a vagina represented. What does she bring to the ticket besides that? An ongoing saga of the vagina monologues.
She's a piece of work. It's starting to look like the skeletons in her closet have skeletons in their closets.l
Best thing that could have happened for the Democrats! Nice choice, old guy!
Unfortunately the format for the VP debates is being changed to include talent and swimsuit competitions...
@kz--and the hair!
And now? I REALLY can't wait for the debates. (Sorghum Crow: ha ha ha!)
She's also "into" guys who play the POW card every chance they get.
She's horrible! It's insulting--as though ANY woman on his ticket will show how maverick-y (h/t to Randal on that word) McFossil is. But he picked one who's a sorry excuse for a woman, who's bought into the patriarchy's desire to get back control over women's bodies. She disgusts me.
I think McCain was a POW longer than SP has been in politics.
You have not given her her due in supporting creationism being taught, come on D... It makes her even bettah!
D-Guz I mentijoned this on my blog, but she looks like "actress" Karen Valentine, who peaked back on Room 222 back in '72.
And if you haven't yet heard her voice, it sounds like someone dragging a heavy appliance over a concrete driveway.
"is he that stupid or that cynical?"
Oh, gawd, all this is only going to get worse. Yech.
esxcuse my crassness -- she was picked for two reasons
the MILF vote
no dick
romney and pawlenty didnt quite have those qualifications
larry craig though.....
those repubs really think women are that stupid and shallow
I'm not sure the creationism thing has legs. We'll see. But she is on record as saying climate change has no human cause and her husband works for BP.
And the names she gave her kids! Track, Trig? That's just pathetic.
Great point CDP... the VP debates will be very interesting. Maybe McCain picked her to distract Biden?
I hope this means the big O will be a shoe-in come November.
This mother that hasn't a clue on how to run her state will be the next in line...and even her own repubes in Alaska say thiss is a fuckwitted move by McSame..duh. ;p
The bridge to nowhere? she kept the money...and she doesn't tell ya that when she speechifies does she now?
Pro-Life--is she against capital punishment? I do not know the answer but, I would say she is at least anti-abortions.
Palin is pro-death penalty. I guess we should label her anti-choice or anit-reproductive rights.
I think we were wrong to think she was just a ploy for picking up women voters. I think they want to out change Obama with a Maverick 2 ploy. Course the original maverick is now quite questionable. Hope this doesn't work!
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