I'm honored, especially to be so awarded by Tomcat, whose brilliant and compelling posts always leave me hungry for even more. Thank you, TC! I'll do my best to continue shouting "Impeach the bastards!" until January 9, 2009; after that, I'll change to "Prosecute the bastards!"
UPDATE: Tomcat reminded me that I need to award this --er--award to ten other bloggers. It might be hard to find that many who haven't already gotten the award, but I'll do my best. Let me see now...
1. The undisputed champion of the whole fucking cussing world, Jess Wundrun -- whose commitment to buying US-made products, being incredibly hot, and writing insightful posts makes her blog one of my first stops of the day.
2. For pure Texan plain-speaking goodness, Karen Zipdrive's Pulp Friction is a must-read. For an extra treat, be sure to stop by Princess Sparkle Pony's blog and read Zip's comments; just be prepared to spit out whatever you're eating or drinking all over your computer.
3. Sorghum Crow's ability to attach hilarious headlines to current newsphotos always makes me chuckle.
4. Liberality writes some hard-hitting posts about politics, violence against women, and other topics close to my heart.
Okay--I'm starting to sweat now. So many blogs are excellent, but they already won the award! Can I just get away with these four? Please, TC?
You're most welcome, DG. It's hard not to like a gal that cusses like a trooper and has the meter readings to prove it. ;-)
Now the rest of the story is you get to pass it on to ten more bloggers. :-)
thank you from the bottom of my liberal-beating (and now BHRT helped) heart.
(I sorta updated your speech. Hope you don't mind. And if you do, then f-- well, you know)
Wow, thank you.
Aw, shucks. I've been slacking off lately, I'll have to get back to entertaining you.
DG, if you wish to stop at four, then you're done. I've received three of these, so I've passed it on to 30 different bloggers.
DG, I'm a little late to this post, but congrats all the same.
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