Everyone has those "oh shit" moments--that split second as you're closing the car door and simultaneously remembering that you left the keys inside, or that fraction of a second as your freshly jellied slice of toast tumbles toward the floor, and you know it's going to land jelly-side down....
This is one of those "oh shit" moments--only the consequences are oh-so-much-more-dire than just having to call a locksmith or cleaning jelly off the floor:
U.S. military-contracted ship fires on Iranian boat, U.S. defense official tells Reuters --At least one shot fired, defense official says A ship contracted by the U.S Military Sealift Command has fired at least one shot toward an Iranian boat, a U.S. defense official said Friday. "It was an MSC vessel," the official said, confirming the ship fired on an Iranian boat. (h/t to CLG)
Is this going to be like that fateful shot off Fort Sumter that started the U.S. Civil War? All I know is that every news item I see about Iran makes me more and more nervous. With Chimpy LameDick (I mean Lame Duck, of course!) constantly crowing about the dangers Iran presents to the rest of the world, no matter what the actual facts are, is it any wonder that I saw this item and just about pissed myself?

Am I just being paranoid? Is anyone else experiencing the hair-standing-up-on-the-back-of-your-neck feeling that I'm having right now?
I suppose the scary thing is that many of believe that anything (negative) is possible.
I didn't even flinch after I heard about this on the news. I think I'm so immune to all the crap that Bush has pulled that I'm ready for anything. Although this has been reported on TV, nothing much is being said about it. Instead, I've been watching film of a bunch of people standing in front of a courthouse in NY because of a controversial court case. I've also seen film of many people standing around a grave sight, apparently the victim of the crime. I've also seen film of Reverend Wright and Obama. That pretty much sums it up.
Wait, yesterday we were getting ready to bomb Syria or something.
I'm so confused over who we're suppossed to hate.
I think we're supposed to hate everyone that's not white, except Mugabe. And J.C. Watts.
I'm pretty much in the same boat as ME. I remember being at work on 9/11 and I was surprised but not OMFG-surprised because I figured something like that would happen eventually. If we started bombing Iran tomorrow, I wouldn't be all that shocked.
Since oil goes on the open markets, even if Chimpy and his puppeteers aren't in fact in the Oval Orifice anymore, they can still collect that sweet oil cash. All the evil bastards on the planet network and I'm sure there will be all kinds of glitzy parties in Paraguay.
I will not feel safe until that man is completely out of office. I would like for him to be behind bars if at all possible as well. As for this shot, haven't heard much about it at all.
Welcome back.
This is a major oh sh*t moment. Maybe not THE moment, but it's coming...
DCup--it is with Chimpy at the helm!
ME--I hear ya. I'm on overload.
Dean--all those desert places with tons of oil are all alike, aren't they? Just bomb 'em all!
Randal--exactly! Money's all that matters!
Liberality--definitely behind bars, along with Cheney and the rest of them.
Crow--I just read that the chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff is saying that the military is preparing for "potential military courses of action" in Iran. Oh shit.
Sadly yes and I just do not talk about it too much. I had a long talk with my friend who used to work in cable news yesterday. It does not look good.
You're right to be scared. We all should be scared while that abortion is in office.
i hear bush has been playing some re-written Beach boy song over and over again.
bush is SO looking for his Gulf of Tonkin.............
but wait -- it is only APril, we need another 6 months for the october surprise to boost the chances of McSame
Scary :S
I think we'll be OK this time. Iran is denying that the ship fired on their boat, giving themselves an excise not to react to the incident. If this was an attempt by the Megalomaniac Moron to start a war, it seems to have failed,
Well, we got through the weekend without leveling Tehran, so things are looking up!
Fran--it's almost too terrible to think about.
DCap--true--the timing will have to be just right.
Karen--no one but his servants would mind. This whole "on a mission from God" thing is terrifying.
Dr. Z--let's hope it just dies down.
Tomcat--that's good. And they say the Iranians are the blood-thirsty ones; it's really Chimpy and Gang.
CDP--we'll just have to take it day by day. Each day that he doesn't send nukes into space or raze Iran or declare martial law is a gift!
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