Thursday, March 19, 2009

Biden shows McFossil some love!

Who says Joey the Veep doesn't feel bad for Johnny Walnuts McFossil? Look what Joe announced today:

The Recovery Act provides $65 million for congregate nutrition services provided at senior centers and other community sites, $32 million for home delivered nutrition services delivered to frail elders at home and $3 million for Native American nutrition programs. The funding will be awarded to 56 states and territories and 246 tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations. States will award the funds to organizations that provide nutrition services in their communities. Funding for nutrition programs for seniors in the Older Americans Act was initially authored and championed by Senator Edward M. Kennedy.

See? He really DOES care about old people who aren't rich, just like McFossil. So don't worry, America--he'll have plenty for his diapers and his Ensure drink.And maybe he can finally get those teeth fixed.


Randal Graves said...

Plenty of diapers? Did Vitter move out of the country?

dguzman said...

Good one, Randal!

Fantastic Forrest said...

Heh heh heh!

Distributorcap said...

or get more drugs for his wife to steal