Speaking of bathrooms, look at what I walked into this morning at work:
Henry's website is rather --er--ENERGETIC!:
Henry even tries to fire us up with a little competition!Welcome to the MOST COMPREHENSIVE Primary Infection
Prevention Program in the world for respiratory and
gastro-intestinal diseases! If WE ALL comply with the 4
Principles of Hand Awareness there will NOT be a
Powerful and True!! Together WE CAN make a difference!
That, as they say, is your moment of Zen.
You do know that this is National hand washing week, don't you? I just decorated my faucets and strung lights on my Purell dispenser.
I bet circus clowns sometimes wear shoes on their hands when they're doing tricks. Why do you hate circuses, and by extension, America?
No flatulence jokes? See, when I see the title "Bathroom humor", that's what I expect.
You expect me to ignore that missing 'i' and think about something else?
Am I the only one out there who does not feel better that restaurants must post "employees must wash hands after using the bathroom" signs in the restrooms? Maybe it's me, but I would rather have restaurants hire people who don't have to be told.
I love public health reminders. Thanks!
The skin on my knuckles is raw, but I am germ free.
Oh wait, got to go wash again... Hennn-reeeeeeeeee!
SorCrow--'tis the season!
Randal--I hate clowns!
CDP--I was leading you on intentionally!
DCup--I know!!!! It makes me crazy every time I go pee.
PiNY--went to a restaurant in Cape May NJ where the sign not only discussed mandatory (duh) handwashing, but the effects of FECAL MATTER in food!
Bubs--somehow, I'm not surprised.
I don't think I can PARTICPATE in any contest that has typos.
My word verification was "glugg." Isn't that epic?
It is good to know that we will be safe from unwanted intruders in the bathroom at the bowling alley though. Intruders wouldn't even be that bad if they would just wash their hands!
O Great One:
On an off-topic question about your Dreams of Impeachment, does the Impeachment of Blagojovitvh count as an Impeachment Dream?
A rap song about washing one's hands? That makes me think lovingly of the "Butt Out" episode from season 7 of South Park. If you want to see badly-done rapping, that episode satisfies.
This post also made me think of R. Crumb's "Tommy Toilet" poster from way back when. You can go here to see it:
For those of us who do love the flatulence and poo humor, Tommy is almost worthy of worship.
Enc--me neither!
Anonymous--you had me "O Great One." I haven't done much on Dirty Hair-y (ba-dump-bump!) or his threatened impeachment. I just think they should get a really big bouncer to bodily remove him from his office, kick him down the IL capitol steps, and change the locks.
Zipdrive--you're a fucking GENIUS.
Snave--WOW. Thanks for that hilarious Crumb link.
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