The headlines are hilarious, but…
Palin linked to Obama death threats”—a little misleading. Palin herself hasn’t called in any threats or anything, but the Secret Service is now officially “blaming” Palin for the escalation in death threats against our new president. According to a story in the
India Times, “Palin's demagogic tone may have unintentionally encouraged white supremacists to plan attacks on the future president of the US.” Ooooh, that’s harsh!

Still, I’m SURE it was unintentional; when she repeatedly screeched that President Obama was “palling around with terrorists,” I’m sure she didn’t mean it to sound like an accusation or an incitement to her audience. It’s not like she sensed the mood of the wackos and freaks at her rallies and took advantage of it or anything, consequences be damned. And all those freaks shouting, “Kill him!” at the rallies are equally innocent, right?
Speaking of Failin’You know, she may be done politically, but the hilarity continues! She told Faux Nooz’s Greta van Manface that she “
would have been happy to have worn my own clothes from day one.”

Indeed! So we would've seen her campaigning in her t-shirts, her snow jacket, her hunting clothes, and sweatshirts. Hey--I'm no fashion snob! I'd pay to see those campaign commercials! Of course, now she's
blaming the stylist for the whole clothing debacle.
And one more Failin’ note
In an interview with the Washington Post, Palin blamed the McGramps/Failin’ loss on three factors: “
money, the Hispanic vote and "that 'R' by our name.”

Glad to know that me and my people were responsible for saving the country from the warmonger and the Barbie doll! If anyone else wants to thank me or
mi jente for anything, please feel free!
¡Muchas gracias!Harry Reid just pisses me offYou know, for a guy whose Web site says “Give ’Em Hell, Harry,” Harry Reid is one of the biggest wafflers and double-talkers in the Senate.

this little discussion with CNN’s John King, and note how Reid can talk tough one minute, saying that “of course” Ted Stevens (F-elon) will be kicked out of the Senate, but then when asked about Traitor Joe Lieberman, he calls him “one of the most progressive people ever to come from the state of Connecticut.”

The fucker actively campaigned against the democratic candidate, repeated repug lies about him, and basically hasn’t apologized for it. He’s been a repug in everything but name only. But he's one fo the most progressive people from CT? Who the fuck else lives there, Harry--Hitler? Palin? Cheney? Voldemort? Ralph Reed?
Last time I checked, CT went BLUE for Obama. Lieberman’s just a repug in independent’s clothing. Look for him to declare that he’s switching to the repug party before the year is out.
Obama meets with Chimpy and checks out The House Just how patient and cool is Barack Obama? He sat through a “meeting” with Chimpy, pretending to give a shit about anything that Chimpy had to say. Then he endured a tour of the White House from Chimpy and Pickles.

I’d love to have an Obama
Zipdrive diary entry on that day, man! Official WH liar and Scully-wannabe
Dana Perino said the tone of the meeting was “constructive, relaxed and friendly.” I guess if Obama had done what he probably wanted to, which was put his foot up Chimpy’s ass, Perino would’ve added, “collegial.” Note Michelle's fabulous outfit vs. the Pickles frump. Point, Michelle!
In the immortal words of Dr Monkey von Monkerstein…"
Brit Hume has lost his mind." His
damned mind,
Monkey; he's lost his
damned mind. I think the only “amazing” thing about Bush’s presidency is that we’re all still alive and there's still food on the shelves of our grocery stores, given how badly he’s fucked up and how many people he’s murdered with his wars.