Everyone's posting on this ridiculous "event" that the morons who worship Faux Nooz and Glen Beck are attending today, so I thought I'd at least mention it.
I think the best post I've read on the subject was the Rude Pundit's take. DEFINITELY worth a click, though you might be careful if you're at work.
Even the "gomers" at my work (that's what a friend of mine calls the people who sit closest to the TV in the Faux Nooz cafeteria, soaking up the idiocy) are rolling their eyes about this little project. When that happens--when you've lost conservative rural Pennsyltucky--you should really consider just closing up shop and going home. But Faux has been airing their ridiculous commercials for this crap all damned day/week/month since it first came up, so they're gonna ride it hard until they tire of it. Like all their non-stories they try to pass off as news, they'll splash it up there wall to wall, then when they're sick of looking at it, they'll move on to the next random car chase in Atlanta or whatever other bullshit thing catches their eye.
If I were to somehow negotiate my way to the bullhorn at one of these "rallies," (are there even rallies? I don't even know wtf they're doing) I would tell them this:
"You know, this year I got my biggest refund ever on my federal taxes, a small refund on my state taxes, and my biggest refund ever on my local taxes. I'd like to thank President Obama.
Second, I'd like to inform you morons that you're about eight years too late; why didn't you protest when Chimpy started writing the blank checks to Halliburton and Blackwater for their war? We wouldn't even be in this shithole if it weren't for him. What -- no answers to that one? I thought not.
Finally, I'd like to say, on behalf of Lipton, Tetley, and whatever other generic brands of tea you people bought off the shelves at Walmart--thanks for the profits, you ignorant suckers. Please keep blindly worshipping our corporatocracy!"
Brava brava - true indeed. Nothing like blaming Obama for trying to clean up the sh*t left by the Bush admin. If it stinks it is just because there are so many piles of it.
Rude Pundit- not safe for my workplace!
Dr. M--thanks!
Fran--thanks! And yes, I'm tired of the irony that Bush took credit for Clinton's budget surplus, then rammed Obama's head into a deficit hole the likes of which no one can even fathom.
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