This week, inspired by a viewing of the first two episodes of "Twin Peaks" (I'll talk about that later), I'd like to ask:

What is Michael Ontkean's best movie performance to date?
Normally, I'd end my post here, but I have to tell you about my experience with "Twin Peaks" last night. My friend Anne, who's not a blogger but is a very cool chick, came over with the first season of TP. She said it was her favorite show of all time, kinda like Buffy is for me. When the show came out, I was pretty much not interested--I had a lot going on (I'd just started teaching at the college level), and nothing about the show caught my eye.
So she cues up Episode 1 (not that Episode 1, thank god--but then again, the only thing that could've made this show any weirdo would've been the appearance of Jar-Jar Binks)
I can't even express how thankful I am that that didn't happen.
Still--what a freakin' creepy crazy show! I was all jittery after just two episodes. Maybe it was all the coffee that everyone drinks constantly on the show. Maybe it was the sugar from the cherry pie and the donuts they kept eating. Maybe there were subliminal messages in the film.
Or maybe... it was that every single character on the show was FUCKING NUTS.
I'd have to say that's probably the reason for the crazy jittery nervousness I experienced. Once that midget started dancing in Agent Cooper's dream, I was so freaked out that I had to do some deep-breathing exercises just to calm down enough to sleep.
Did anyone actually enjoy this show?
I loved that show. Still do.
That was a quality show. If you don't have it on DVD, Chiller shows reruns now and then.
I only ever saw snippets of it, but what I saw sure looked weird enough.
I've never watched that show. I like weird stuff, but that just looked completely nonsensical.
I so so so so loved that show, loved loved loved it.
Now I want to watch it again.
It was so freaking weird.
I even went to Snoqualmie, WA - the town where it was filmed in.
I know - freak! I was in Seattle on business, so just deal!
I love weird shit like Twin Peaks.
Now I'm hooked on True Blood, even weirder in a bloodsucking kinda vampire way.
As for Michael Onkeon's best role, of course I have to say the one where he played Harry Hamlin's doctor and they ended up becoming lovers.
I think his character was married to a woman played by Kate Jackson, who I definitely would have loved to console (at the time).
Dr. Monkey--of course you do!
Randal--It was certainly different.
Barbara--amen to that.
BeckEye--In many ways, it is -- and I think that was the point.
Fran--REALLY? Maybe I just need to stick with it. (gulp)
Zip--thank you for actually responding about poor Michael Ontkean. No one else did! I was wondering if anyone would say "Making Love." I remember watching that movie in the theatre when it came out, accompanied by my VERY gay best friend from high school--both of us completely clueless about why we wanted to see the movie, and freaking out about each kiss. What a couple of idiots.
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