Compare and contrast:
MAY 1, 2003

"Major combat operations in Iraq have ended.... The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on Sept. 11, 2001, and still goes on."
--Commander Codpiece von Fucker
MAY 1, 2008:
courtesy of Newsmeat
It is unspeakable.
DG - Yep. That about sums it up. Sad.
Nicely put.
I've always hated the von Fuckers. Enlightened royalty they are not.
Spartacus--thanks for stopping by, man! And yes--that does sum it up, at least for that moment. Unfortunately, all those numbers keep going up and up.
Sorghum Crow--thanks.
Randal--I think it's all the inbreeding.
The fool wants us to believe that his bogus war in Iraq has something to do with the war on terror. The war on terror could be won in a single move: Impeach Bush and Cheney.
Tomcat--seems simple to me and you, but somehow Congress isn't getting it.
the surge is working!
the surge is working!
i am so glad he is yukking it up with the Giants......
I also dream about impeachment.
DCap--well, I hate him AND I hate the Giants. So they're even.
CDP--don't we all?
Reading that makes me want to do mean stuff to my Commander Codpiece doll.
DG, that's because Congress still has not learned to be the majority. Pelosi and Reid were excellent minority leaders, but we need leaders with a different mindset.
Hey, you're at P while I'm here. :-)
I doubt those numbers take into account the high suicide rate among our soldiers
the war on terror is against us and yes, he is winning.
Well at least we finally found the WMD - it's GWB.
GWB as WMD--poetic, no?
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