I've been having such a great time watching the Harry Potter Weekend on ABCFamily Channel, but there's been one commercial playing over and over that has me completely stumped: the "Falsies" mascara commercial with--for some fucking reason neither AB nor I can figure out--the theme from "Magnum, P.I." playing in the background.
What the fuck does Magnum have to do with "falsie" eyelashes?
Well, you see, Magnum was a detective and so he, um no, wait! Magnum was a ladies man and that means. . . um you know what, what the fuck does Magnum have to do with mascara?
They're made from his old mustache clippings, silly.
Magnum's 'stache was false.
Professor--welcome to the bloggy! My sentiments exactly!
Kirby--lol! That's it!
Randal--that's it too! Why didn't I think of that!?
Because Tom Selleck like to dress like a lady in his free time and those false eyelashes would come in handy? I dunno, just speculating.
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