Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Just what I've been hoping for

Please offer any "moodlifting messages" in comments.


Life As I Know It Now said...

Everything is better in hot neon pink?

Anonymous said...

Fortune-pons? Do they have the lotto numbers, too?

Randal Graves said...

Bloody fantastic.

Thank you, thank you.

dguzman said...

Liberality--AND when you're on your period.

Fran--I couldn't believe it.

Kirby--yes, and phrases like "fuck, I'm on the rag again?" in Chinese.

Randal--Bloody indeed. You, sir, ROCK.

Anonymous said...

Amazing as always

Karen Zipdrive said...

"You may be flowing like a stuck pig, but at least you're not pregnant."

"Warning: do not use the pearly plastic applicator as a makeshift bong."

"Relax, no need to recycle."

"Send in six used plastic applicators and proof of purchase for a free bag of Doritos."

"Now 20% less likely to cause Toxic Shock Syndrome!"

libhom said...

Dennis Quaid can always lift my mood...or something.

I never knew that tampons were supposed to cheer women up. Now, men need mood lifting pieties with their jock itch cream.